Liberty Partner

Liberty Partner is a unique program that allows anyone to make extra money. It is a freelance job that, along with financial income, provides a real opportunity for developing new skills and career advancement. All you need to do is to register as our partner and help us attract potential customers of the bank.
Within the frameworks of the program, you will go through several stages of career development and gain real experience in selling banking products.

How to get involved in the program?
To join the program, you need to register on the Liberty online platform:
An employee of the bank will contact you from the sales department, who will take on the role of curator. He / she will explain the specifics of the work in detail and will also share the technical instructions with you. In addition, the workbook will be sent to you via SMS. For more information, you can join the Facebook group Liberty Partner.

How does the program work?
By logging in to, you will get into a working environment where you will be given a list of products that you have an opportunity to sell. In order to sell the product, you fill in the data of the potential customer: name, surname, personal number, phone number.
Within 2 hours after sending the information, the potential customer suggested by you will be contacted by our sales officer and will give detailed informed about the product terms. If the sale process is successful, you will receive appropriate compensation for it.

How is the payment made?
For every product sold you get a bonus income, which you can see on The amount you get as a bonus varies depending on the product sold and looks like this:



Banking Product Accrued Bonus
Debit card 3.50 GEL
Credit card 9 GEL
Consumer loan 10.5 GEL
Auto pawn loan 25 GEL
Micro business loan up to 50,000 Gel 25 GEL
Secured consumer loan 27 GEL
Small Business loans over 50,000 GEL 44 GEL
Mortgage Loan 44 GEL



Who can become a Liberty Partner?

Any adult (18 years and older) person can be registered as a Liberty partner.

If I am a Liberty partner, should I also be a Liberty customer?

At the moment of registration it is not necessary, but within 30 days after registration you need to activate the Internet or mobile banking, through which you will be able to log in to the Liberty Partner platform.

At what time after registration can I redirect a potential customer?

Redirections are possible upon registration and do not necessarily mean that you should be a Liberty user.

Do we have a fixed salary?

The program does not provide for any type of fixed salary. However, in case of career advancement, it is possible to become an employee of the bank, which in itself provides for a certain fixed salary, in parallel with the bonus system of the program.

Do I have a plan for the results?

A quantitative plan is not imposed. However, if you have a desire to develop hierarchically and move on to the next level, you will need to achieve certain indicators. Also, a non-binding plan may also be introduced periodically, the implementation of which will provide additional incentives.

Do I have a responsibility to visit the bank at certain times?

The partner is not required to maintain any time discipline, nor is he / she required to appear at the bank office. However, partner meetings may be organized periodically for information and encouragement purposes, and attendance will be voluntary.

What should I do in case of a technical defect?

You can contact the curator manager for assistance.

When can I receive the earned bonus?

Untill the 20th of the following month maximum

Is there any other type of incentive besides financial motivation?

At certain intervals of time, we will identify the best partners and provide them with additional financial and moral incentives. Periodicity and methods of incentives, may change periodically.

Can a Liberty partner work elsewhere?

In this regard, Liberty Bank does not restrict partners. As for whether a person employed elsewhere can become our partner, it will depend on his / her employer organization.